This is Nicholas, born 8:30 a.m. and weighing 7lbs, 9oz.
Nicholas is the practical one, the neat one that likes everything in order. When he plays with something, it's black and white to him, and uses the toy for what it does.
It's hard to believe that they are now 4 years old (going on 5) and are in Junior Kindergarten this year.
This is Brandon, born at 8:31 a.m. and weighing 6lbs, 5oz.
Brandon is the dramatic one, such the little actor when he plays. He's the messy one (lets his brother do all the cleanup - when he can get away with it!!!). When he plays with something, he's the creative one, and tries to see what it can do if he plays with it another way than what it's meant for. They really are opposites in personality.
And yes, I was huge just before they were born.