Friday, October 19, 2007

23 Things Assignment #5 - Tagging and Social Bookmarking

This was a useful exercise. Although, it was a bit cumbersome to setup....., but once it fell into place it was fine. This is a great way to access your bookmarks from any pc (work, or home). I tagged some sites for parenting. Articles for good references related to parenting are always useful for me, since I have twins. I also want to continue this to bookmark anything related to poetry because I have been writing poetry for many many years. It's great to see others who have bookmarked sites, articles that would be of interest to me as well. Looking forward to continuing the social bookmarking!!!!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

23 Things Assignment #4 - Time for a break

Just click
on the
image to
view it

This was interesting. I found this picture which amuzed me. Thinking of turning on the television, finding the right station for the Weather network and the right time (every 10 minutes) when the local forecast comes on.......way too much of a HASSLE!!!

I thought this was funny!!!! Just look at the rock hanging outside......the local forecast right at your fingertips.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

23 Things Assignment #3 - RSS Feeds

Well, just finished the Assignment #3 by creating a bloglines account and subscribed to the following RSS Feeds:

I found this very interesting, being able to get feeds through bloglines and not have to go to the website at all for areas of interest. I find this particularly useful for leisure at the moment, since there are areas of interest on a personal level, but I can see how this would be useful for doing research for work and/or school......takes away the hours of trying to get to every website which is time consuming. Also, I see a drawback to this, that it can get out of hand and subscribing to all sorts of RSS feeds and then not having the time to get through it on a daily basis if this is your good much information all at once. Depends how you look at it.